Three awards and a Lucky 7 Meme

It’s late and I’m getting ready to go to bed, but I wanted to post this last bit before I let my head hit the pillow.

In the past 3 days, 3 bloggers and an e-mail buddy honored me with several blog awards.

From C. B. Wentworth, the Versatile Blogger Award (thank you, my dear, for thinking of me.  There are no words to express my gratitude)

From Cara Olden at This Little Light:  The Sunshine Award (Thank you so much for all your kind words and support.  You are a ray of sunshine to me.)

From Claire:  I was tagged with the Lucky 7 Meme – (thank you, my dear, and I answered this on scrib!)  🙂


From a lovely friend, Maggie, who follows my blogs but doesn’t have a blog herself, The HUG award.

I don’t know what all is involved with passing on these awards or what I’m supposed to do with them, and I reserve the right to come back to this post and revise accordingly, but I want to thank all of you for your kindheartedness, your belief in me, your praise and just for being you.  I’m sure there are so many others who deserve these awards more than I and I am humbled that you would think of me.

I do want to pass on these awards to the following people/blogs because they deserve it:

The Versatile Blogger Award: (for their versatility in what they post)

Sonia Medeiros
Writing Wings
Lightning Droplets

The Sunshine Award:  (for filling my life with sunshine – will add more tomorrow)

Alphaeus: The Underground Stream
Girl in the Butterfly dress

HUG Award:  (for their love, compassion, understanding and amazingly wonderful hearts.  I will add to this award after I get some sleep)

Gloria Richard
Cara Olden
Jennifer M. Eaton
Lori Ann Freeland

Heading out to the Hunger Games

Will be taking off in a few for dinner and a movie.  Will check back in tomorrow with my full review.

Who else is indulging in “the games’ tonight?