How far around the world does your blog reach?

I looked at my map today in my WordPress stats and discovered I have people viewing my blog in Thailand, Russia, Slovenia, France, Kuwait, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, India and Australia (not to mention the UK, Canada and Mexico).

This is so cool to me that people around the world are reading my blog.  You gotta love technology.  Twenty years ago, this wouldn’t have been possible.  What a great way to connect with others around the globe!  What would be even more fun is if you would take a minute, stop and say hi and let me know where you are viewing my blog from.

I’m in Florida, USA.

Update on Flash Fiction Contest

I have to say I’m very sad I didn’t get more participants in my Flash Fiction Contest that ended yesterday.  Only three people decided to submit, which changes the amount of recipients to receive a Crux bookmark signed by the lovely and talented YA debut author, Julie Reece.

Now, only one person will receive the award instead of three.  Sorry folks.  I am now passing over the three stories to Julie for her to read and choose.  Good luck to all of you and I’m sorry I have to narrow the winning field.  Hopefully next time more people will participate.