Goodreads – A must-have site for readers and authors

Goodreads is an amazing site for readers and authors.  It’s a great way to share your love for books and find groups that share you fondness for particular genres.  I have joined several groups centered around Fantasy and Young Adult books because that is what I primarily read and write.  It was while wandering around inside of the group, “Shut Up and Read” that I stumbled upon an excellent blog site catering to YA novels and authors:

Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

I spent a long time weaving my way around this site and I fell in love with it immediately.  Jennifer has a fantastic way of handling her reviews and they are brutal, but honest.   She’s not rude or nasty to the authors, but she does give her sincere opinion, in a gentle way, about what works and doesn’t work.   I like that in a reviewer.  I like to know what I’m getting into before I dive in.  I don’t, however, decide whether to read a book strictly based on a review, but it does give me a starting point, especially if I don’t know anything about the book.

Jennifer also promotes authors by conducting interviews and providing opportunities for blog hops, guest posts and massive giveaways.

In addition to the reviews and author help, she also provides writing tips and all the latest book news as it pertains to YA.

Needless to say, I’ve found a great blog friend in Jennifer L. Bielman, and I hope you all jump over to her siteand check it out.  While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow her on Twitter at @JenniferBielman and Facebook.