Row80 check-In for Oct. 23, 2011

I can’t believe it’s Sunday already.  Thought I’d check in before I get sucked into something else, liking making dinner or writing.

This week I entered a 300-word flash fiction piece in Brenda Drake’s “Can you leave them breathless?’ contest.  It’s a morbid, twisted piece that came from the dark depths of hell somewhere inside of me, but what the hey.   Who am I to battle the muse when it shows up?

Submitted a non-fiction short-story to Midlife Collage.  It’s up for a ‘reader’s choice’ award.  So far it’s in the lead.  Keeping my fingers crossed through midnight tonight.  I’ll find out tomorrow if I won.

Finished 2 more chapters on the novel I have to get back to the publisher.  I never knew this sort of edit would take so flipping long, but I want it right.

Sent my query for scrutiny to an author who is soon-to-be-published through Harper Collins.  I am really looking forward to her debut novel coming out in January.  She also said she’d put in a word for me with her agent when I’m ready to submit.  Can I say squeal loud enough?

Did a lot of blog hopping this week.  Here are a few out of many that I will continue to visit a lot:  Jennifer Eaton, Jennifer Randolph, Claire Gillian, Gene Limp.

On a personal front:  spent time outside in this beautiful, cool Florida weather.  Took dogs for walks, rode my bike, did a little gardening.  The air is so clean, the breeze so refreshing.  I wish it would stay like this forever – 50s at night, high 70s during the day with a soft gentle breeze.  I have every window open.  It’s cool enough to not need the AC, warm enough for no heat AND I can still get in the pool.

I saw Real Steel last night.  I really enjoyed it, but what’s not to enjoy.  It has Hugh Jackman in it.  😉  Anyway, it’s a great story.  I would have liked to have seen a different ending but overall, I felt it was a real good, feel good family movie.  The boy is a little cocky and he has a smart mouth on him but the language is pretty much limited to hell, damn and s*%t.  No ‘fudge’ words.

Well, that’s it for me.  What have you guys been up to?