Row80 check-in for October 19, 2011

I can’t believe it’s time for another Row80 check-in!  The days are just flying by.

Hmm, let’s see…what have I accomplished since Sunday:

I applied for 3 more jobs.  I finished 2 short beta reads.  I critiqued a short on  I finished two ‘horror’ stories for a contest, but am debating on entering them because they are just too twisted, even for me.  I finished 2 chapters on book 1 and deleted 2 chapters I had before – rather I fused them with a couple of other chapters.  I wrote a mini-synopsis, back-cover blurb for book 2.  I took a walk in this beautiful, cool, breezy Florida weather.  I told my kids I love them.  Gave my pups kisses.  Celebrated my oldest son’s 20th b’day.  Had birthday party weekend fun for my mother-in-law (aka second mom).  Oh…and I completely made a friend of mine in the UK salivate over possible cookies and treats I will send to her around Christmas.  She hates me now because I’ve tortured her.  🙂

working on book one.  getting closer to goal to pop this baby back over to the publisher by month’s end.  finger’s crossed.  *I will do it.  I will do it.*

Oh, and I entered a non-fiction short over at, a reader-driven contest site.  So far, my little ditty is in the lead!  whoo hoo!  Let’s hope it stays that way through Sunday.  If so, I win money and publishing shout outs!!!  🙂

So, what have you guys been up to?