Blogging from A – Z coming April 2013!

A-Z badge 2013It’s that time again, bloggers!  The annual Blogging from A-Z extravaganza!!

I participated in this last year and loved every minute of it.  This year I’m going to try to be a bit more regimented in getting my posts together ahead of time and scheduling them.

So, what is the A-Z challenge?  Each day in the month of April (except Sundays), participants put up posts on their blogs that match the letter of the alphabet for that day.  The challenge this year starts off on April 1 with the letter A.  Whether you go with a theme or freestyle, your post must match the letter of the alphabet for that day.  April 2 will feature the letter B, April 3, the letter C and so on.

This year, I think I’m going to do something a bit different.  I am going to try to focus on themes or ideas from the first book in my Chronicles of Fallhollow series, In the Shadow of the Dragon King.

I urge everyone to participate.  You can find all the instructions here.  Over 700 bloggers have already signed up.  All the folks at A – Z ask you to do is visit at least 5 other blogs a day, starting with the five that are listed below yours on the list.  If you can do more, great!

Ok everyone!  Go sign up!!  Hope to see you on the A-Z Blog Challenge for 2013!

21 thoughts on “Blogging from A – Z coming April 2013!

  1. Way too much pressure for this “I post on random days” blogger, but I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Especially on the “R” day . . . I’m thinking it will have something to do with me! Or not.


  2. Looking forward to your upcoming posts, Jenny! I don’t think I have the stamina to join in, but I’ll definitely be doing some visiting and reading! 🙂


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