Catching up

I arrived home yesterday after visiting my friend for a week. While gone, I didn’t have a big chance to write on my blog, (though I did manage one post), or respond to other bloggers, for which I apologize for. I’m back in the swing of things and ready to rock and roll. This past Sunday, my very first interview appeared on mywithershins blog. Squeee! Pretty awesome, right? I was so nervous and I think that came across, but like everything else ‘marketing’, the more one does it, the easier it gets. Maybe the next time I won’t ramble so much, but I do have to say, I was thrilled beyond words she asked for the interview. Thank you, Susan! Also while I was gone, the lovely Layla at be not afeard nominated me for two blog awards, the Inspiring Blog award and the Reader Appreciation Award! Thank you, Layla!  You all should head over to her blog and check it out.


As a recipient, I have to list seven things about me before passing on the awards to seven other people.  I haven’t done this in a while so here goes:

1.  My first dog was a fox terrier named Gypsy.
2.  I collect small, ceramic lambs.
3.  I also collect music globes of all kinds as well as statues of fantasy related items (castles, dragons, faeries, etc.)
4.  TV shows I can’t miss this coming season:  Falling Skies, Merlin, Once Upon a Time and Smash.
5.  I have type 2 diabetes.
6.  I’ve ridden an elephant.
7.  I’ve been parasailing.  It’s amazing how many sharks swim with swimmers so close to the coast of Florida.

Ok, next step, nominate 7 bloggers to receive the awards.  I hate this part because there are so many blogs that I love and visit all the time.  I hope no one feels slighted.  Please know that all of you are inspirational to me in some way and I can’t thank my readers enough for being so loyal.    Anyway, here goes.  Please pop over to their blogs and check them out.

For the Inspirational Blogger Award:

Julie Catherine
This Little Light
Liza Kane
Katy Upperman
C.B. Wentworth
Darleen Steelman
Lori Freeland

The Reader Appreciation Award:
The Literary Mom
Kourtney Heintz
Victoria Writes
Alphaeus:  The Underground Stream
Julie Reece
Robin Coyle
TBN Ranch

7 thoughts on “Catching up

  1. Glad you liked the interview! I tend to ramble when interviewed, too! I have to stop myself from getting too carried away, sometimes!

    Congratulations on the awards!

    I went parasailing in Mexico but didn’t see any sharks! Yikes!

    My sister-in-law collects snow globes, but only with a Christmas theme. I collect ornaments that are fantasy related, too! You should post pictures of them so we can compare notes! 🙂


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