It’s Back ~ 2018 Spring YASH!!

It’s back everyone! Welcome to 2018 Spring YASH!

What is YASH? It stands for Young Adult Scavenger Hunt, and it’s a bi-annual event first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! Want to learn more? Click here.

This makes the 4th time I’ve participated in YASH, and this year, I’m on the RED Team!! I’m so excited!!  Look at all those awesome books and amazing authors surrounding me!!! I couldn’t ask for a better team!

The Spring hunt begins at noon PST on April 3 and ends at noon PST on April 8. Winners will be announced on April 11!  Stay tuned for more details.

Click the links below to find out more about the authors and books on the Red Team.

Amy Fellner Dominy
Amy Trueblood
Anna Hecker
Brendan Reichs
Carly Anne West
Cole Gibsen
Colleen Oakes
D.S. Murphy
Erin Cashman
Erin E. Moulton
Ginger Scott
Heather McKenzie
J. Keller Ford
Jessica Bucher
Julie Reece
Lisa Maxwell
Mary Crockett
Paula Stokes
S.F. Henson
Yvonne Ventresca


Hold on to your pantaloons – PHOENIX DESCENDING is going to take you on a wild ride!

Book 1 in the Curse of the Phoenix series

Published: November 28, 2017

Publisher:  Snowy Wings Publishing


SUMMARY (from Goodreads)

Who must she become in order to survive?

Since the outbreak of the Phoenix fever in Drothidia, Tori Kagari has already lost one family member to the fatal disease. Now, with the fever threatening to wipe out her entire family, she must go against everything she believes in order to save them—even if that means making a deal with the enemy.

When Tori agrees to join forces with the unscrupulous Khadulians, she must take on a false identity in order to infiltrate the queendom of Avarell and fulfill her part of the bargain, all while under the watchful eye of the unforgiving Queen’s Guard. But time is running out, and every lie, theft, and abduction she is forced to carry out may not be enough to free her family or herself from death.

First, let me say I wanted to read this book ever since I saw the cover. I was hooked. It was almost as if I didn’t care what was in between those covers. It’s gorgeous and I could stare at it for hours.

But as it turned out, I loved the pages in between. From the beginning, the story is full of action and unforgettable, complicated characters. Takumi the fox…omgosh…I want more of him!! And Tori is an amazing main character with a strong sense of right and wrong, justice and moral fortitude. There were so many subtle twists, and the storyline is compelling. It was difficult to put it down.

The book is a quick read and I think it would appeal more to YA fantasy readers more than NA readers, even though the characters are a bit older. There is an LGBT element to the story. I thought it was handled well but I was unnerved by the violence that presented itself because of it.

This book has zombies and princess and queens, right up my ally with YA fantasy. Some I despised (Queen Maescia) and others I adored (Princess Wrena). She’s so incredibly kind.  I loved the innocence of Tori and Bram’s relationship as well as the author’s dive into YA Game of Thrones political intrigue.

There were a few issues I had with the plot line such as how did the Undead become the Undead and why do they only exist on one place, but it didn’t bother me enough to not like the book.

It does end on a cliffhanger and I screamed out at the end. I wanted more, more, more and now I have to wait for how long???  Come on, Ms. Dreyer. So not fair. I can’t wait for the second book in the series. That comes out when…tomorrow???

I think fans of the Throne of Glass series will love this book.

4 out of 5 stars.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


Free Sci-Fi / Fantasy Ebook Extravaganza! 60 New Authors to Choose From!

You read that right.

There are 60 authors featured in this amazing Sci-Fi / Fantasy Ebook Giveaway! Some you may have heard of. Others may be completely new. Either way, you can’t go wrong with so many Ebooks to choose from. Click away and have fun!!  I’ve already collected a dozen at least.