DARKSIDE SUN – a review

Entangled Embrace Publishing found a gem when they signed Jocelyn Adams to their lineup of authors.

I’ve been a fan of Ms. Adams for some time now. It all started with THE GLASS MAN and my addiction to her writing grew from there. After reading all of her works, I have to say DARKSIDE SUN is her best novel by far!

Wow, what a ride. I bought this e-book the day it came out and completed it in 24 hours. I simply could not put it down. Ms. Adams’ writing style had me hooked from Page 1. I’ve never read anyone like her. She has a unique way with words. She has a tone, pizzazz and umph that follows her throughout her books. When you pick up a Jocelyn Adams book, you know it, and it’s refreshing because you know you can expect well-written, thought-provoking prose that will grip you from beginning to end.

Her two main characters in DARKSIDE SUN had me wrapped around their little fingers from the moment I met them. Addison has been dealing with a terrifying paranormal activity for twelve years, since she was 6 years old. Now that she is older and in college, the activities are increasing. The reader becomes Addison. We experience everything with her as it happens to her, including seeing her hot professor, Asher Green, for the first time. OMGosh, my heart be still. Talk about a yummylicious heart throb you love to hate to love. Even when he’s being a douchebag, you, like Addison, can’t help but be majorly attracted to him. There is so much tantalizing heat between these two that will make all the women readers out there swoon, yet Ms. Adams treats the sexual tension with respect and dignity, giving only enough away to keep us wishing for more. In between all that hotness, however, is a vulnerability in both Addison and Asher. They are incredibly flawed in so many ways, yet Ms. Adams geniously intertwines their strengths and vulnerabilities, neither outweighing the other. Brilliant.

The plot had me engrossed from the beginning. Ms. Adams has a unique way to weave the reader in and out of this creepy, wraith-filled world, taking them through the mulitiple layers and dimensions she created for this paranormal masterpiece. It was a non-stop journey for 302 pages and the last paragraph is a doozie. It left me spell-bound and breathless. I wanted more. I always do from this author. DARKSIDE SUN didn’t disappoint.

I give this novel 5 stars for originality, complexity, gravitational pull, sexual tension and just downright honest to goodness solid writing. The story flowed so well I forgot I was reading. It will be interesting to see how Ms. Adams tops this novel.

My only complaint with DARKSIDE SUN is in its cover. It does not convey the intensity of this story or the powerful paranormality of it. This is no fault of the author’s. If I was not a fan of Ms. Adams, I don’t think I would have picked this one up because the cover is so plain, unenticing. Entangled Publishing, please consider a more intense cover with the next book in the series, one that reflects the fierceness, the magnitude that is DARKSIDE SUN and its heroine, Addison. Speaking of which, there is a ‘next’, right? I rub my hands together in anticipation.


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9 thoughts on “DARKSIDE SUN – a review

  1. It’s next to be read in the queue of my Kindle app. After reading this review, I’m excited to delve into it. Paranormal isn’t my usual split from the fantasy genre I adore, but I’m trying to broaden my tastes.


  2. I’ve added your link to my links for readers, hope that’s okay? I love reading about new possible books and I know there are other readers out there looking for ideas too.


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