My First Webchat! I’m so nervous

Tonight I will be co-hosting my first web chat!!!  Lord help me.  🙂  Thankfully, Elle, my co-host and author of the YA novel, THE FALL: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ALTER EGO, is simply wonderful and amazing and is very excited about talking to everyone.

I hope you can join us at 7:00 EST.  Just log into my website around 6:45 or as soon as you can, have questions ready, and be ready to have fun.  We will start promptly at 7 and finish at 8PM.  I hope to see you there.

Devon believed she had found her soul mate in Wil at the tender age of fifteen, but instead of weaving a beautiful love story, she and Wil spun a web of lies, abuse, and manipulation. After the tides of violence turned with such force that her alter ego emerged as her only guardian, Devon’s downward spiral hurtled her towards a dangerous decision she now has only one day to change before someone’s life ends.

Inspired by a true story, The Fall is a cautionary tale that explores dependencies, disorders, and domestic abuse from the vantage point of a young girl who at times must separate from herself entirely in order to endure. Devon wanders from the deep South to the bright lights of Hollywood as she navigates her personal capacity – and desire – to survive a life that has become imminently threatened by her own bad decisions.

​While the novel is dark and salacious at times, it is at its core a story of strength that can be a powerful and positive message to any young woman whose chosen path makes it difficult or painful to broach the question: “Who am I?

13 thoughts on “My First Webchat! I’m so nervous

    1. It actually did!.. I wish there had been more people but maybe it’s just as well for my first one that the turnout was small. I had a great time. Hopefully you can join in the next one.


  1. Sounds like an important read for young girls in turmoil. If Thursday wasn’t my Bible study night, I’d be there . . . I’ll look for the transcript afterward.


  2. I went to the link, and it has a form that says, “Nick; Password, and something else (can’t remember). I don’t know how to sign up for the chat, but I’d love to be able to visit with you and see one of these webchats in action.


  3. Hi Jenny, I wish I could, but because of the earlier time I won’t be able. To get home in time from work and get dinner on the table. Will there be notes posted later? I will be thinking of you!


    1. I will post a transcript at a later time (if I can figure out how to do it). All new learning experience for me. Sorry you can’t make it but I understand. I already warned the family I will not be available for that hour or so. If they want dinner before 8:00, they’ll have to order in. 🙂


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