The Birth of #MakeBelieve and an e-book Giveaway!

Today marks the birth of #MakeBelieve, the latest anthology by J. Taylor Publishing.  To help kick-off the celebrations, Jennifer Bielman over at Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance is hosting an e-book giveaway of the Make Believe anthology!  If you love fantasy stories mixed with romance, danger, classic villains and ultimate sacrifices, then I urge all of you to head over and enter to win!

If you don’t want to wait to win it, feel free to click on any of the links below and get your copy now.

You know, I couldn’t think of a better time of year for this anthology to arrive.  Christmas and the holiday season is full of magic and make-believe tales.  When I was young, maybe around five years old, I could have sworn I heard Santa and his reindeer on the roof of our house.  I lay in bed, the blanket pulled to my chin, anticipating the gifts he would leave.  It didn’t matter we didn’t have a chimney.  Santa makes his own, I thought.  Of course I found out many years later it was Mom and Dad upstairs in the attic pulling the presents down, but I’ll never forget how playing make-believe that night filled the room with magic and endless possibilities.

May this holiday season leave you feeling the same.

Make Believe


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