Six Sentence Sunday

I keep forgetting to officially sign up for this every week, but I like to participate anyway.  Here are six sentences from a psychological thriller I started writing years ago and may finish some day.  The title of the novel is FLOWERS FROM THE FIELD.


Ben checked his son was asleep, then stumbled outside, beer sloshing from the bottle in his hand. He scooped up the dead dog in his arms, stumbled over the other dog’s body, and carried it inside.  Upstairs, he laid the lifeless form across the foot of Mitch’s bed.  You wanted your damn dog.  You got your damn dog.  He swigged back the alcohol and smiled.


19 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday

    1. My dear, I think you misunderstood. I wrote that. It’s a very twisted, horrible psychological thriller. Ben is a highly sought after corporate exec with magnetism and charisma out the wazoo. Everyone loves him. His family suffers the dark side. He’s not a drunk. He’s simply enraged by unfounded jealousy. It’s actually a pretty good plot line if I could just get past writing Ben’s character. Mitch and Emma (Ben’s wife) are great characters.


      1. Sorry! I hope I didn’t offend you. 🙂

        It’s hard to tap into the dark side of some characters. Jealousy can bring out the worst in people, but I can’t imagine how the poor boy would feel waking up to his dog dead at the foot of his bed!


        1. You didn’t offend. 🙂 Yeah, Mitch is pretty shaken up. He’s only 6, too, which intensifies things a bit. It only goes down hill from there. If there is any consolation, though, help is on the way in the form of a very unlikely hero, a washed-up celebrity of all things, with tons of problems of his own.


    1. Ben’s not supposed to be likeable. You should see what he does to his wife and son. I think I haven’t finished it because it’s just too dark for me. It touches a side of me where I don’t want to go.


        1. I wonder if Stephen King questions his humanity and morbidity at times when he makes his characters do horrible things to other characters. Does he ever feel demented or whacked? I know I would.


  1. My first thought: what a nasty man! I like how all the words you used are precise: “sloshing”, “stumbled”, “scooped” and so on; they make the scene really vivid.

    I was slightly confused at the end when he laid the dead dog on “Ben’s bed”. I thought at first it was his son’s bed, but the father’s name is Ben, isn’t it?


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