For the love of reading – a fun exercise for Hump Day

I remember reading a blog somewhere a long time ago that hosted something similar to what I’m doing today. For the life of me, I don’t remember who it was, otherwise I’d recognize and credit them. Whoever you are, thank you for the idea and I hope you don’t mind me carrying it forward.

As a writer, I love to read. Reading is a must if one wants to learn to write well. Heck, there are some books that I have pages highlighted because I loved the way the author worked the scene. When I struggle with a similar type scene, I’ll return to those pages and study how the author did it. How did (s)he make me connect with the character, the scene, the plot?

To honor that love for reading (and learning), I would like all of you to do the following:

*Grab the book nearest to you. Not your favorite. Not the one you think will be the most intriguing.  The closest one to you.

*Turn to page 60

*Find the sixth sentence

*Post your sentence in the comments section here. To make it more interesting, please don’t tell us the name of your book. Let’s see how many people can guess it.  

Also, if you want to keep this going on your own blog, that’s cool, just make sure you link back to this post.  🙂

Here is my contribution. Any clues?

“It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to: but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned Irish hunter.”

32 thoughts on “For the love of reading – a fun exercise for Hump Day

  1. This is fun, but I don’t have a clue where any of the quotes are from! I hope people will let us know at some point. 🙂

    Mine is from a home-grown author, so I doubt you will guess what book it’s from, but here goes:
    “She was nothing like the needy teenagers who’d crawl in and out of his bed, nothing like the earnest teachers he’d known at school.”


  2. Oh! Actually, there is a book on my desk… Not too many people will recognize this, though.

    “Magellan wasn’t sure if the contempt was aimed at him, or at those squabbling for his approval.”

    Was that cheating? I can get off my fat butt and go upstairs.


    1. I know! I know! *jumps up and down with hand in the air* It’s going to be a best-seller if it ever sees the light of day and the author finishes it! 🙂


  3. Line #6 – antagonist, apologist, athetist, biblicist, biologist
    It was the nearest book. The next nearest book was the Collins Concise Dictionary. The third nearest book–Poet For Sale by Lewis Vella. The sixth line on page sixty says, “Well?…” she repeated. That wouldn’t have been fair. Lol. M.A.


  4. I’m lost with all these quotes — yes, even the daemon one!

    My sentence is “But Firestone, like Royce, was about to get the surprise of the day.”

    I love this idea and will pass it along on my blog (with credit, of course!). Thanks for posting this.


    1. I think I read this. The names are really, really familiar. I’m thinking it was a crime novel. A guy named Jessup was the MC (I remember that because my name from my 1st marriage was Jessup). Am I close?


      1. Yes, very. It’s Michael Connelly’s “The Reversal” with Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch. The bad guy is Jessup and he is the MC, trust me!


  5. Fun idea. I’ve nooooooooo idea what book yours comes from, but here’s my sentence from the book nearest where I sit to write:

    “I stared at Daemon, mouth hanging open.” <<ha! Not much question there as to which book, eh? LOL


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